Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Settling in...

Well, we are here. Big Spring has officially become our hometown! Apartment living is not so bad. It provides a close environment for Sherry and me to get to know one another again! However, having to get dressed in the middle of the night to walk the dogs to their favorite spots outside to...you know... is getting a bit old. I am thinking about giving them their own key and telling them to lock the door after they are finished.

House hunting is slow. The house for us has yet to surface, but we are in no hurry (unless the dog at night thing gets the best of me). We have a roof over our heads and food in the refrigerator. What else do we need? In God's time He will move us into that dream home. The Lord was faithful to sell our house in Sheridan in three days, so He will be faithful to give us the house reserved just for us.

Our new church has been wonderful. The people here are so loving and kind. I hope this "honeymoon" lasts for a while! On our first Sunday, a water line to the church burst so we cancelled Sunday School and met for worship. It was a great day. The people are starting to realize what they got in me, so I hope they are not disappointed...yet! Sunday night was a church-wide talent fair. I wanted to throw the axe, but decided against it. So, I juggled. it was mediocre at best.

Good days are ahead!


  1. i love your attitude about how everything will work out. i need a little bit of that to rub off on me, seeing as i'm still having a hard time finding a place to live in dallas.

  2. Things are going well at church, but we miss you.
