Sunday, February 22, 2009

Together Again...

These past few days have been enjoyable. Kristen came home from Alabama and Kimberly was here from Arkadelphia. The four of us were able to spend a few precious days together. Only if they had been relaxing......

Friday was consumed with Kimberly's bridal portraits in Little Rock. This was a girls' day so I was not able to enjoy the festivities - shucks! I just wrote the check. Saturday morning saw us meeting with the wedding coordinator, the caterer, and the groom's parents. I had to write another check. That is my job - write checks.

Interspersed throughout the wedding activities was the process of cleaning out the garage. Some of the items will go to Birmingham; some of the items will go to North Carolina; some of the items will go to Big Spring; but, most of the items went to a friend's garage sale. (She wants to remain anonymous!)

Life never slows down. Our children are grown and getting married. They are amazing young women starting lives with a couple of amazing young men. God has blessed us! There is no telling what He is going to accomplish through them!

Me? I just write the checks.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kristen - where are you?

Now that I have started blogging -whatever that means! - my daughter Kristen is about to jump in and join me. She is a wonderful writer with many important things to say. So, I am looking forward to hearing from her.

All she needs is a title for her blog to get her going. What could it be? I have thought of "Kristen's Krazy Kackles", but that does not seem to sound serious enough. Then I thought of "From My Heart", but that is a bit mushy. What about "Timely Treasures"? Nah! Too generic. "I am Woman!" Too radical. Mmmmm........

"Open for Business" - I like it! Her mind is always churning and grinding as she ponders the relative mysteries of life. Kristen is a thinker. She is wise. Her mind ought to be open for business so all of us can benefit from her wisdom.

Whatever she calls it, I highly recommend you faithfully follow her blog. When she gets on line, blogging will never be the same! So, hurry my daughter! I am waiting! When will you be open for business?

Busy! Busy! Busy!

As I look at the calendar for the remaining of this week, I see many things taking place. Our students will be leaving for their Winter Retreat at Shepherd of the Ozarks - four vans strong! These young people will experience an awesome weekend of worship and fun. Zach Martin is doing a wonderful job of leading our students into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Another van will take our 2009 Guererro Missions advance team to Mexico to prepare for our Mission Trip. Our team, led by Ken Bragg, will meet with Bro. Pedro and Sis. Maria to plan how we can join them in reaching the people of Guerrero, Paras and Agualuegas. This is an exciting time to hear from the Lord how we can obediently serve Him with our amigos y amigas en Mexico!

Also this weekend, our church will host a family reunion in the Student Refuge and a birthday party in the Fellowship Hall. In the midst of all of that Kimberly is gathering her wedding planners to map out the strategy for using the church and the Fellowship Hall for her wedding on June 20.

The calendar is full and our people are busy in one direction or another. Sometimes it is easy to lose focus of what really matters when we get so caught up in all these activities that we forget our Lord desires not our schedules, but our hearts.

I am trying to slow down and seek the Lord first and foremost. The days ahead for Sherry and me will be busy as we pack, plan, and say good-bye to dear friends. There are many demands on our time and for our attention, but nothing matters if Christ is not living through me. I hold on to the promise of Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Good Day

Sunday was a good day for Sherry and me. It was difficult emotionally, to say the least, but it has afforded us a transition point to move from where we are to where we will be. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to fully understand the process we have gone through in making the decision to be obedient to God's call on our lives to move to a new ministry.

Some have suggested we just wanted to be closer to Sherry's parents; others believe we want a "bigger and better" place with a higher salary; there are those who wonder what is wrong with our church that would make us want to leave; still others are just angry we are abandoning them at this time. However, many are sensitive to the fact that God is at work. One woman after church came and simply said, "Thank you for being obedient." That is all I needed to hear.

For 10 years God has afforded us the opportunity to experience Him in the midst of a wonderful people. They have always been responsive to the Lord's leading and careful to follow the Lord's leadership of the Pastor. Love has been the hallmark of this congregation and will continue to be in the days ahead. I have all confidence our Lord will raise up a people in this place who will make known the gospel from here to around the world.

There is nothing in me which can take any credit. It is simply amazing to me that God could use someone as unworthy as me in His kingdom's work. All that has been accomplished has been in spite of my shortcomings and failures. Truly the Lord is to be magnified in it all!

As I begin a new work in Texas, I am mindful of the fact that I can do nothing apart from the strength and wisdom of my Lord. I am about to face a task I cannot accomplish on my own. I have never walked this pathway before so all I can do is to trust the Lord to lead the way. At times that overwhelms me, but I am confident that this is not my work - it is His!

God alone deserves the glory. Not me. Not the church. God alone.

"To God be the glory, great things He has done! So loved He the world that He gave us His Son. Who yielded His life an atonement for sin and opened the life gates that all my go in. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus His Son, and give Him the glory great things He has done!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Lesson from Hershey

In the middle of the night last night, specifically what time escapes me, my dog, Hershey woke me up to let her outside. Normally, Hershey does not bother us when we are asleep. But last night was different. Hershey, an 86 pound chocolate Lab, has yet to learn to be subtle. She goes full speed in everything she does.

When Lottie comes near her bone, Hershey lets out a loud bark to scare Lottie away. I have never heard her bark softly, until last night. Apparently, she did not want to be rude, so Hershey sat by my side of the bed and let out a muted "Arf!" It was just enough to wake me up, but not to startle me. I appreciated that!

Oftentimes, I am at full-speed in dealing with people. I have high expectations and can be demanding at times. There have even been times when I have "snapped at" people. Unfortunately, not always have I had the sensitivity of Hershey to be more concerned about their needs.

There is a lesson in humility taught by the actions of a chocolate Lab. Humility is essentially thinking of others before you think of yourself. It is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. I need that lesson since the Bible says, "God gives grace to the humble."

I love Hershey. She needs me and I need her!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Great Day!

In the rain today I had the opportunity to take my friend, Dhanskuhal Patel, to the doctor in Little Rock. Dan has yet to watch the Jesus video I gave to him which is in the Hindi language. Still I am praying for his salvation. Dan is a great guy who is so appreciative of everything we do for him.

Some months back I distributed a prayer card and asked our people to pray for three people who needed Christ as Savior. That week, God placed Dan and his family in my life. He owns the Sheridan Motel and is open to talk about anything. So perhaps he will hear the gospel with a willing heart soon.

We are still processing everything from this past week. It is exciting to think of all God is doing. I still have to tell my mother about it all, which I am putting off. That will be a difficult phone call to say the least. I am just glad my sister is there with her. Denise is doing a wonderful job taking care of mother.

Good friends and good family given by a good God. What more could you ask for?

Monday, February 9, 2009


I am finally here on the biggest stage of all - blogging! After many years of saying "no" to blogging, I have given in. What will I say when I post? I do not know. Will others care what I write? Probably not.

After following Ken Coffee's blog for awhile, he has encouraged to step out and do it. I will have big shoes to fill when I make it to Big Spring because he set the standard with his blog on the church's web site. So, I guess I will follow in his footsteps and blog on!

Ken has been a good friend and an excellent pastor to the people at First Baptist Church in Big Spring, Texas. It is phenomenal how through his faithfulness God has begun a new work among the people there. I am constantly amazed at what God can do when we put Him first.

I will share more about our transition in the days ahead, so keep looking in and pray for Sherry and me as we muddle through the next few weeks.