Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Great Day!

In the rain today I had the opportunity to take my friend, Dhanskuhal Patel, to the doctor in Little Rock. Dan has yet to watch the Jesus video I gave to him which is in the Hindi language. Still I am praying for his salvation. Dan is a great guy who is so appreciative of everything we do for him.

Some months back I distributed a prayer card and asked our people to pray for three people who needed Christ as Savior. That week, God placed Dan and his family in my life. He owns the Sheridan Motel and is open to talk about anything. So perhaps he will hear the gospel with a willing heart soon.

We are still processing everything from this past week. It is exciting to think of all God is doing. I still have to tell my mother about it all, which I am putting off. That will be a difficult phone call to say the least. I am just glad my sister is there with her. Denise is doing a wonderful job taking care of mother.

Good friends and good family given by a good God. What more could you ask for?

1 comment:

  1. Hey dad, I am so proud of you for knowing how to do all this blogging stuff! I barely know anything about it. ;) Just wanted to tell you that I love you and I am praying for you and mom!
