Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Lesson from Hershey

In the middle of the night last night, specifically what time escapes me, my dog, Hershey woke me up to let her outside. Normally, Hershey does not bother us when we are asleep. But last night was different. Hershey, an 86 pound chocolate Lab, has yet to learn to be subtle. She goes full speed in everything she does.

When Lottie comes near her bone, Hershey lets out a loud bark to scare Lottie away. I have never heard her bark softly, until last night. Apparently, she did not want to be rude, so Hershey sat by my side of the bed and let out a muted "Arf!" It was just enough to wake me up, but not to startle me. I appreciated that!

Oftentimes, I am at full-speed in dealing with people. I have high expectations and can be demanding at times. There have even been times when I have "snapped at" people. Unfortunately, not always have I had the sensitivity of Hershey to be more concerned about their needs.

There is a lesson in humility taught by the actions of a chocolate Lab. Humility is essentially thinking of others before you think of yourself. It is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. I need that lesson since the Bible says, "God gives grace to the humble."

I love Hershey. She needs me and I need her!


  1. We love Hershey and we (sometimes) love Lottie but most of all we love our daughter Sherry because of her wisdom in picking a husband like Mark. We are so fortunate to have the best son-in-law in the whole wide world.

    Papa Sam Moore

  2. Sam..........I have heard so much about you I am thinking our church is getting not only a good preacher but a great extended family as well. We for sure fell in love with your Sherry and Mark. I am looking forward to seeing more of your art work........(drawings during church, the really good stuff)


  3. Trixie is going to miss her best friend!
