Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here I am again...

After hearing from all my "fans" about my absence from the blog world, I have conceded. I have been so busy wrapping up things in Sheridan, selling the house, packing, getting ready for a move, and a shopping trip to Dallas that I simply have not had the time - nor energy - to update the blog. But, I am back!!

God has been so amazing throughout this transition from Arkansas to Texas. After putting the house on the market, it sold within four days. The Lord has provided for our needs every step of the way. We are ready to settle down in Big Spring and to get to work!

In preparing to show the house, Sherry and I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. Our ice maker has not worked for 6 months since a repairman worked on the refrigerator last year. So, we have bought ice or "borrowed" ice from the church. However, I discovered a previous unknown feature of our Maytag. On the inside of the freezer door is a switch which says, "Ice Maker On - Ice Maker Off". Yes, you guessed it, the switch was turned to off. We now have ice!

Life is never dull around the Lindsey house!

My posts may be sporadic for the next few days as we make the move west. I am sure there will be much to tell, so stay tuned!


  1. The ice maker story makes another nice entry into the Lindsey Chronicles. haha. Praise God for answering prayers about the house selling so quickly! Love you and Mom!

  2. That's hilarious about the ice maker...sounds like something I would do! So glad the house sold so quickly in this market. God is good!!!

  3. I'm glad you finally wrote again! I told Sherry to bug you into writing again. And the ice maker. hahaha!
    At least Dallas is closer to Big Spring than Sheridan is... I'm hoping to become a "half-way" point for any of your future visitors :-)

  4. As you know the Pastor Search Committee in Big Spring has continued to meet every Tuesday night, only now with any of the membership who will join us in prayer for the Lindsey family, FBC Sheridan, FBC Big Spring, and all the elements involved in the move. The selling of the home in Sheridan at a good price (our specific prayer) is one more thing in the long list of affirmations that has proven God's hand in His calling. We're giving God all the Glory as we eagerly await your arrival.

  5. Oh how Richard and I had a good laugh over this one. We hope and pray things are well in Big Spring!
