Monday, April 13, 2009


Alright, now I have had it. The gnats were bad enough (thankfully they are gone), now the roaches have moved in. They have been found in the kitchen and in the living area. Hershey spots them and we go into action.

Black Flag is now our best friend. Once the roach is sprayed, it is dead. I mean it turns over on its back and gives up the ghost. I know all of God's creatures have a place in this world, but our apartment is not that place!

Sherry has been dreaming about these roaches and hopefully the roaches will not decide to sleep in the bed with her. I just have to be careful she does not start slapping me in her sleep thinking I am a roach! So I keep my distance.

We have been promised the bug man will be here on Wednesday to exterminate our little guests. So once the roaches are gone, I wonder what plague will be next. Please, no frogs!


  1. Such is apartment life. We can control our own cleanliness, but not that of neighbors with whom we have common walls, etc.

  2. has anyone mentioned to you the size of west texas mosquitos????.....they are next.....

  3. Don't you know everything is bigger and better in Texas,even roaches.
